Horses for Sale




  • Sex: F
  • Hair: Zaino / Chestnut
  • Date of Birth: 09/Aug./2003
  • Weigh: 482 kg.
  • Propiertor: "Diamond Blue Stud"
  • Owners: Mr. Rafael Sosa.



Female, red zaina. Been born the 09 of August of 2003.

ARTURO P. - ADONELLA (1996) Seattle Song Abloom
Confidential Talk –Yesquera - Seattle Slew -General Incantation - Ablaze
Damascus - Confidentiality Mariache – Yetta 1rs. Mother ADONELLA, Winner in San Isidro. Mother of: La Chief, is first young. 2nd. Mother
YESQUERA, Winner of 4 races in Palermo and the Silver. Mother of: Adonella, 2nd. and last young.
3rd. Mother YETTA, Winner of 4 races in Palermo and San Isidro. Mother of:
Yet, Winner of 2 races in San Isidro, 2nd. Classic Association of Proprietors of Horses SPC - G3-
YORKSHIRE, Winner of 3 races in Palermo. BARBARA MYR, Winner in its debut in San Isidro and mother of: LADY MYR, Winner in Silver 2004. 4th. Mother
YOUR LUCK, Winner in Palermo. Mother of: YOUR ILUSION, Winner of 7 races in Plata and Palermo, even Classic V. Centurión - L -, Special Peaceful Sun, 2º Handicap Bastion, Handicap Jockey Club of Sea of the Silver, Special Sgt. Lawrie, Etc.
Tinder, Winner of 4 races in Palermo and San Isidro, 3rd. Classic J. V. C. Maqueda - G3- and mother of: Yantar, Winner of 4 races in Palermo, San Isidro and the Silver, even Argentine Handicap Haras, 2nd. Classic A. A Bullrich - G3 -, Clásico J. V. C. Maqueda - G3 -, Drunk Handicap Toss and in reproduction YAPURA, Winner in Silver 2004.
PRETTY, Winning TINDER in the Silver. TYPE AGUSTINA, Winner of 5 races in Silver, even Handicap Yata Nahuel, 2nd. Handicap Colombia, 3rd. Special Republic of Ecuador
YANKEE, Winner of 3 races in Palermo and The Silver YOUR LOOK, Winner of 2 races in Silver
YOUR LOVE, Winner in Palermo 5th. Mother YESADA, Winner in Palermo. Mother of:
GOLD CREAM, winner and mother of winners. 6th. Mother YEDDA, Mother of:
VEREDES, Winner of 5 races in the Silver, even Classic 9 of Julio - G3 -, Classic Gral Direction. of Museums – l YEARNING, Winner of 2 races in Silver and mother of:
Capizana, Winner of 4 races in Palermo and the Silver, 2º Classic Martinez de Hoz - G2 -, 3º Great Prize Criadores - G1- and mother of winners.


Video clips

May 18, 2008 - Carrera Nº 12 - Maroñas, Uruguay


June 24, 2007 - Carrera Nº 2 - Maroñas, Uruguay



Carrera Nº 04 - May 2nd 2007 - Maroñas, Uruguay



Carrera Nº 09 - April 1st, 2007 - Maroñas, Uruguay



Carrera Nº 01 - STASH (1993) - Tiro 1700 MTS - March 17, 2007 - Maroñas, Uruguay






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